Killarney Community Centre

8720 130A Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5E 0V6

Karate at  Killarney is a member of the Ohtsuka Amateur Karate Foundation (AKF). Formally Griesbach AKF, this non -profit club has operated in north Edmonton for over 15 years. The Karate program is designed for all ages and no previous martial arts experience is required.  Each class starts with an age specific workout followed by a technical component, providing  physical, mental, and leadership development in a safe, respectful and fun class environment. Our Black Belt instructors are volunteers with significant martial arts experience to share, who enjoy working with students of all ages.
All Senseis at Karate at Killarney have completed a Vulnerable Sector Police Information Check (Edmonton Police) with No Information to Disclose. 
As of September, 2023, Karate at Killarney is excited to once again include an adult level class. Combined with the youth program, this class will offer the opportunity for family and community members to train together.
As our program delivery model is enhanced, the class times have been shifted slightly to best utilize the space booked.
Killarney Community Members –  please show your community card at the first class to receive your $10 fee discount.

Programs Offered

WINTER 2025 
Mondays, January 13 to April 14 except for n
o classes on:
Monday, February 17 – Family Day

NEW! Combined Parent and Child class
Interested parent of currently registered Little Dragon or Child student, choose from the drop down menu on the registration form.
Fees: $150 per term

Little Dragons (ages 5-7)
Classes: Mondays 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm
Fees: $130 per term

Children (ages 8-11)
Classes: Mondays  6:00pm – 7:00pm
Fees: $150 per term 

Youth & Adults (ages 12 and up)
Classes: Mondays 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Fees: $170 per term

Head Instructor
Sensei Sheila Parker, 5th Degree Black Belt

Other Instructors
Sensei Gordon Atwood, 5th Degree Black Belt
Sensei Jessie McKitrick, 1st Degree Black Belt

Club Contact: Edmonton AKF, email: /phone: (587) 783-0232

Students may order a gi (karate uniform) from their head instructor, but it’s not a requirement for training in our dojos. If you do wear a gi, we ask that it is white and without other club affiliation logos on it.