St. Matthias Anglican Church Hall
6210 188 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5T 5T4
The “AKF Ormsby” club is a member of the Ohtsuka Amateur Karate Foundation. Since its inception in 2009, it has grown to become a thriving family-oriented training club. Our Karate program is designed for all ages with no previous martial arts experience required. Each class features a rigorous physical workout tailored to each age group. Our training involves traditional and innovative instruction methods that challenge a student’s development physically, mentally, and spiritually in a fun, exciting environment. Training in our classes is progressive to build continued growth in a student’s martial arts journey. Our Black Belt instructors are all dedicated volunteers with a variety of martial arts knowledge and experience to share.
All Senseis at AKF Ormsby have completed a Vulnerable Sector Police Information Check (Edmonton Police) with No Information to Disclose.
Programs Offered
Tuesday January 14 to Thursday, April 17
No classes on:
Tuesday March 4 – Shrove Tuesday
Little Dragons (ages 5-7)
Classes: Tuesdays 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm
Fees: $130 per term
Children (ages 8-11)
Classes: Tuesdays and/or Thursdays, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Fees: $150 per term for once per week, or $170 per term for twice per week
Youth & Adults (ages 12 and up)
Classes: Tuesdays and/or Thursdays, 8:05 pm – 9:30 pm
Fees: $170 per term for once per week, or $200 per term for twice per week
Head Instructor
Sensei Samantha Chan, 5th Degree Black Belt
Other Instructors
Sensei Don Chan, 5th Degree Black Belt
Sensei Edna Chan, 4th Degree Black Belt
Sensei Blaine Lesko, 2nd Degree Black Belt
Sensei Mario Scivoletto, 2nd Degree Black Belt
Sensei Thomas Williams, 2nd Degree Black Belt
Sensei Dina Jammaz, 1st Degree Black Belt
Sensei Jessie McKitrick, 1st Degree Black Belt
Sensei Zach Scivoletto, 1st Degree Black Belt
Sensei Jordana Williams, 1st Degree Black Belt
Club Contact: Sensei Samantha Chan, email:
Edmonton AKF, email:, phone: (587) 783-0232
Students may order a gi (karate uniform) from their head instructor, but it’s not a requirement for training in our dojos. If you do wear a gi, we ask that it is white and without other club affiliation logos on it.