Karate at South Edmonton holds sessions in two locations:

Tuesdays – 6:30pm-8:00pm
St. Teresa Elementary School
11350 25 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6J 5B1

Thursdays – 6:00pm-7:00pm
Brookside Elementary School
5504 143 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6H 4E5

The “Karate at South Edmonton” karate club is a member of the Ohtsuka Amateur Karate Foundation. At the heart of our instruction is the “Introduction to Karate” Program, offered at all of our clubs, which has established itself as the standard for both classic and innovative martial art instruction. The program features outstanding workouts which are both exciting and beneficial in a sporting recreational environment, requiring no previous martial arts knowledge. The activity is unique in combining in one pursuit an absorbing art, an exciting recreational activity, and practical, down to earth self-defence.

Parents, please remember to ensure that Sensei Marc is at the school before dropping off your kids. This is particularly important during the winter months as weather conditions can be unpredictable.

Programs Offered

Thursday, January 9 to Thursday, May 29

Children (ages 7 – 11) and Youth (ages 12-17)
St. Teresa Elementary School – 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Brookside Elementary School – 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Fees: $160 per term for once per week, or $190 per term for twice per week.

Head Instructor
Sensei Marc Samson, 5th Degree Black Belt

Other Instructors
Sensei Nicholas Juba, 1st Degree Black Belt

Club Contact:
Edmonton AKF, email: edmonton@akfkarate.com, phone: (587) 783-0232

Students may order a gi (karate uniform) from their head instructor, but it’s not a requirement for training in our dojos. If you do wear a gi, we ask that it is white and without other club affiliation logos on it.